Career / New to Work / The Ultimate Career Guide

How to Be Successful: The Only Career Guide You Will Ever Need

A few weeks ago, we promised to introduce you to 13 career resources that will change your career forever.

So, here it is: Our Ultimate Career Guide – Your ride or die tool to be successful!

You want to build a career that is successful and fulfilling but you’re not quite sure how? No worries. This is exactly the reason why we decided to dedicate a whole series on some of the best career advice science has to offer!

We know that a lot of you are still studying – this is why each article in this series will also include advice for students specifically. This makes the Career Guide the ultimate career tool for everyone!

But before we dive into it, here’s a few things to keep in mind when it comes to the 13 career resources.

How career resources help you be successful:

  • Career resources predict career success. What that means? The 13 career resources are the perfect tools that help you to think, feel, and behave in ways that will ensure you make the right decisions for your career. So, when you focus on developing these 13 career resources, you will be able to take charge and transform your career the way you want it!
  • All 13 career resources can be learned and developed. So, if some of them don’t come as natural to you, don’t worry! It may take some time and practice, but after a while, you will be able to master all of them.
  • Get to know yourself. Learning and reflecting about the 13 career resources will help you find out what your strengths are, and which skills you need to practice a bit more.
  • It’s not just about money – it’s also about your happiness. The great thing about the 13 career resources is this: they are great for both objective and subjective success. This means, not only do they help you climb the corporate ladder; they also help you realize your very own idea of success – be it having a meaningful job or working for a specific company. Because in the end, accomplishing what is important to you, is what will make you happy and content.
  • All 13 career resources are equally important. There is not one that you should focus on more or less. What this means for you: Try to practice and get comfortable with each of the resources. The great thing is that if you improve at one resource, it will be much easier to master other resources. So, any time and effort invested into building up your 13 career resources, will definitely be worth it!

How The Ultimate Career Guide will help you be successful:

In this series, we will dedicate one full article to each of the 13 career resources. There, we will…

  • describe each career resource
  • provide you with some questions for reflection that will help you to assess how well this career resource is already incorporated in your (work) life
  • provide you with some advice on how to acquire (more) of those career resources

Make sure to keep us posted about your experiences and progress during this journey – leave a comment below!

Enough talked, let’s dive into the career resources:

Career Resource No. 1: Occupational Expertise

Career Resource No. 2: Soft Skills

Career Resource No. 3: Job Market Knowledge

Career Resource No. 4: Job Challenge

Career Resource No. 5: Career Opportunities

Career Resource No. 6: Networking

Career Resource No. 7: Career Confidence

Career Resource No. 8: Organizational Career Support

Career Resource No. 9: Career Exploration

Career Resource No. 10: Learning

Career Resource No. 11: Career Involvement

Career Resource No. 12: Career Clarity

Career Resource No. 12: Social Career Support

Make sure to save this article to your favorites, so you don’t miss out on the newest career resource articles!

must reads

This post is based on the following sources and academic articles:

Picture credits: Photo by Floriane Vita on Unsplash